Saturday, December 19, 2015

Central Park Classic Holiday 10K

Live, Love, Run!
Words to live by.

After my last race last month I was feeling so energized that I wanted to keep on running.
So, I signed up for another race - NATURALLY!

I decided to sign up for the Central Park Classic Holiday 10K. That's right, a 10K! That's 6.25 miles and twice as long as my last race. Up until this point all I've participated in are 5k's. So, I was a bit scared that I wouldn't be able to finish the race. I clocked my last 5k at about 33 minutes; and I thought I was running pretty slow. So, I almost tripled my last time allotting myself 1.5hrs to finish.

In the end however, I was impressed with myself. I finished the 10k in less time than I thought I would; 61 minutes! That's amazing to me! I had stopped twice during the race. Once at 3.2 miles (5k mark!) because my pants were falling! They kept sliding down through out the entire race. But, it's crazy how they don't actually fit me anymore. I don't know about you but, that is definitely a Non Scale Victory. hahaha! My weight-loss journey has been nothing but an amazing success. But, anyways back to the race. The second time I stopped was around mile 5. Yes, this was what I was worried about; I wasn't used to running long distances, I was getting tired, at that point my knee started ti hurt so I slowed down! I just kept telling myself that I couldn't give up. And, I did not. I beat my own running pace and my running time is now 9'54" per mile.

I swear I'll get better with each run, every therapeutic session, every step and, every beat.

I didn't take many videos or pictures of my mile marks like I did the last time.

   1) I didn't want my phone to die 
   2) I was really trying to pace myself and run consistently without stopping 

Hopefully you still enjoy the video below!

Listen to this cool mix that I jammed to while running!

Run to the beat! 
<3 Mariela 

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