Sunday, November 29, 2015

Hot Cocoa 5K

I deserve a grand applause! I managed to stuff myself on Thanksgiving night, be up early in the morning on Friday to leave to Atlantic City, somehow spend all my money and eat another 849 plates and, drive back Saturday night (to someone completely ignoring me)- yet on Sunday morning I am ready and eager to start this race!

There is just something therapeutic about being able to run outside; the air against your skin, the toughness of the pavement underneath your sneakers, the pit-pit-patter of your racing heart. And the best feeling is crossing that finish line.

I've always done fun 5k races, like the color run, in which you're not really timed. It's just a themed race/jog/walk that you enjoy. But, not this one! My bid had this cool electromagnetic chip that recorded my time when I passed the finish line. It was super cool. At the end they had a list of all the runners and their times. I was impressed! Very well organized and well attended off; of course there was hot cocoa at the end of the race (hence the name) and they had apples (which I threw a couple in my bag) and bagel with spread. It was a really nice race!

Listen to this cool mix that I jammed to while running!

Live, Love, Run
<3 Mariela

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