Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Full Lunch Bag

I am currently in the middle of exams. Waking up early and going to sleep late is nothing new to me. The problem with it now is that I literally want to eat everything! I am a stress eater. I diagnosed myself a few years ago. I just don't know why but, when ever I need to study I think about food and what I could possibly eat. I seriously cannot study without food! I think it's a low key procrastination technique.

Either way, I needed to control it. Suppressing hunger is never the way to go when you're trying to loose weight. When they tell you that you can't have it, it makes you want it more. So I decided that I will just give in to my cravings and that way I can study peacefully.

I am all for meal-prepping food. Secretly, it's a bit of a highlight when my kitchen is a mess with different meats and vegetables all over the place. And, it's okay because in the end I have everything related to food figured out. Usually, when I meal-prep I pack two meals; either breakfast and lunch or, lunch and a snack. This week (finals week) I have meal prepped and packed five meals each day! That's 5 breakfast meals, 5 lunches, 5 dinners and, a whole lot of healthy snacks. Talk about awesome healthy organizational skills! (insert applause please).

Today I packed a full days worth of food in my lunch bag. How everything fit is beyond me. All I knew is that today was the day before my final exam for electrical science and it was going to be a loooong day. I still had to show up to work and I needed to fit a little gym magic in there. And, I did not want to crave crazy things while I was trying to calculate the current of a circuit.

Here's the menu
Breakfast: Protein shake, turkey bacon and, boiled eggs
Mid-morning Snack: Yogurt
Lunch: Mashed yams, mushroom cream & wild rice soup (seriously this recipe is delicious!)
Mid-Afternoon Snack: Bosc pear and string cheese
Dinner: Grilled chicken with vegetables and avocado
Evening Snack: Blueberries and protein bar (a delicious and healthy studying snack!)

Now, I am sorry for anyone on a mobile site that can't view the video above. But here's the magic that overloaded my lunch bag today. Meal prepping is a bit time consuming because you're cooking meals for the entire week in one day. But, you save money (lunching out in TriBeCa is not cheap!) and for those of us who want to eat a bit healthier it stops us from making bad choices; like ordering Chinese food because you were to tired to cook dinner (been there, done that, multiple times).

Stay healthy!
<3 Mariela

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