Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Honey Grilled Salmon

I had so much fun snapchatting about my meal prep process yesterday. What if it became a regular thing? I LOVE to cook. However, I do not enjoy doing the dishes afterwards. And I really do LOVE food shopping (it's second after shopping for school supplies), I just don't like waiting in line at the register to pay. Lol so let's just say that cooking is a love-hate experience for me.

Well there is one recipe that I just wanted to share with you guys because it was BOMB! I made honey grilled salmon and yes, I shall be making this again. I'm not a big fan of seafood person; I do enjoy calamari but the majority of the time at restaurants the dish is fried, so that's a no with my current lifestyle change (healthy & fit baby!). Next in line is salmon. I can eat a well prepared salmon any way you lay it on me; it's usually what I order at restaurants because it's full of good nutrients, low in calories and I am trying to be fancy on the low-low.

Honey Grilled Salmon

  • One 5oz salmon fillet (1 inch thick)
  • 1 teaspoon of Adobo
  • 1 tablespoon of garlic power 
  • 1 tablespoon of raw honey 
  • 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil 
Okay this recipe is simple, simple! Sprinkle the adobo and garlic powder on the salmon and rub the herbs in. Next pour the raw honey on top of the fillet and spread. Let it marinate for 15 minutes. The honey should still be visibly sticky - do not let it go dry! Next, spread the coconut oil on the hot grill and place the salmon. You should hear a very romantic sizzling that would be the honey on the grill; cook salmon for 8 minutes. I used my George Foreman grill so, it didn't matter what side of the filler touched the grill because they both did! But, if you're using a regular grill place the salmon skin side up to cook. 

I paired this delicious fish with a fresh avocado lettuce. What will you pair it with? 
And below is that awesome snapchat video. Buen Provecho!

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