Sunday, December 13, 2015

Meal Prep Sunday

The key to any weigh-loss journey is PLANNING!
If you plan to win, you will win!
If you fail to plan, you will fail!

A healthy and successful weigh-loss starts in the kitchen. Cannot stress that enough! Yes, going to the gym and pushing it to your limit then showing off a sweaty pic post workout rocks! I am soooo guilty of that. But, going to the gym takes super dedication and commitment. Lets be honest, we do not all have the time. It is super important to cook fresh, nutritious and yummy food in your kitchen. That is the real workout for your body. When your body stops trying to breakdown all the trans fat that you are consuming, when the sodium you take in doesn't make you feel bloated and, when nutrients are utilized to the max... well your body will amaze you!

You do not have to get on a crazy diet. Everyone used to ask me (and still do) what diet am I on. I'm not on a diet- I am eating healthy and I eat everything to moderation. Once you learn how to moderate what you consume you'll learn the right portions for your body and best of all, you will not over indulge on a craving! It takes time guys. But, I believe in you.

It's a simple saying: if I can do it, you can do it!

Take a look at my meal prep for the upcoming week! I love Sundays!

Kiss the chef!
<3 Mariela

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