Sunday, December 27, 2015

Meal Prep Sunday 12.27.15

Sometimes we have to take a moment and thank God for how truly blessed we are. That's exactly what I did after I closed my fridge. All the food that was prepped is a blessing.

I prepped 5 breakfast, 5 lunches and, 5 dinners. And, although the main reason to prep food is so I can know what I will be consuming and have a heads up on my caloric intake and macros for the week - it feels nice to know there is food waiting at home. 

This week I told myself I wanted red meat. I'm not much of a red meat eater. I am the person who always orders chicken at a restaurant. And, I laid off red meats at the beginning of my weight-loss journey because red meats are more fatty. But, if I'm honest, I am just lazy and cooking chicken is a whole lot easier and quicker! 

I always concentrate on what I am going to eat for lunch. For me, this is my biggest meal of the day for several reasons: 
  1. Because I have been sitting in a chair for almost 4 hours and deserve some good food to be able to finish the next 4 hours 
  2. It's mid-day and even though I am sitting down, I am still more active than what I would be at home and my body can burn the meal throughout the day 
  3. I usually workout in the evenings so, I tend to go for light dinner meals since it's so close to bedtime

So! With all that said, take a look at this weeks lunch menu: 

Monday: Salmon & Avocado Salad
Tuesday: Sweet peppers & Curry chicken with veggies and wild rice 
Wednesday: Round eye steak, yams and Sweet snap peas
Thursday: Sweet peppers & Curry chicken with veggies and wild rice (btw... Thursday is new years eve, so lets just assume a lot of alcohol will accompany all my meals!) 
Friday: Curry Chicken Salad 

I wasn't finished with the Butternut soup in this video yet. But, you can see it here

Have a healthy week! 
<3 Mariela 

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