Saturday, January 2, 2016

My very own Tea Time Chat!

I just wanted to take some time and show off what my boo-boo got me for Christmas. I think she did amazing! I think I might be a little obvious that I am obsessed with coffee and tea. So, for Christmas she got me the cutest traveler. 

I don't know why but, I am the type of person that loves to know the "real" story behind a gift; like why you picked it, why the color, why that?! So, I found it beyond interesting that she told me the traveler was custom made and she switched and changed all the colors on it and made sure it had pink sparkles! I mean, how well do my friends know me when they absolutely make sure my gift has pink sparkling glitter on it?! Ha! 

She also added some bath bombs. I don't know if she did this on purpose or not but, the bath bombs had a penguin on them. I am a Theta Phi Alpha sister aka I love anything penguin. I also got a protein cookie (I guess I've been posting too many gym pics!), a lipstick that I just freaking looove and, some Herbalife tea. And may I say, that tea is amazing. 

Check out all her lovely love notes on each of my gifts. I just freaking love her cuteness. 

Thanks honey!
<3 Mariela

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