Thursday, September 26, 2013

Facials, Wine, & Chicken

I knew that I wanted to have a good time with these crazy girls. And, by "crazy girls" I mean my old coworkers Keyra and Carla.

Now let's forget about how it took me two hours to get to Keyra's house-  because the R train decided to go express over the bridge and skip all local stops even though there was clear notices stating that R trains will not run into Manhattan for 14 months. Or, how I couldn't make a transfer at Jay Street for the A train and basically had to go almost all the way back home to transfer to the F that took me to the A. And, to top it off the A train wasn't in full service and I ended up taking a shuttle bus. *Sigh* But, besides the big headache with NYC transit I really enjoyed myself.

After a month of absence it was nice to catch up with these crazies. And, my bag was super full with all the Mary Kay products they were going to try. I started them out with the Satin Hands and Satin Lips set. Both of which were loved.

Then after showing them the different types of skin care options that Mary Kay has to offer we settled for the Timewise Miracle set- one tried the cleanser and moisturizer for combination skin while the other one tried it for dry skin. It's really important that you use the right formula for your type of skin.

Of course there had to be a little color fun in the night. After finding the right foundation for each  girl I gave them some tips on makeup application and each of us had a different shade of rouge. 

At the end we cheered to us with some wine and and then finished off the night eating some chicken, biscuits and fries!
Can you guess where? :) 💋

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Theta Phi's at Stevens!

I was once told that sisterhood is forever and that I would be lucky enough to count on sisters from everywhere. Well, I wish I could remember which sister had told me that (for now lets call her truth-teller) so, I can go and tell her that I very much appreciated her not lying to me. :-) 

I joined Theta Phi Alpha Fraternity in the Spring of 2009. By far, it has been one of the best decisions I've made in my life. Not only did I meet my very best friends in the sorority (umm my Big and Grand Big obviously!) but, I have also met great and loyal sisters from various places. 

This past weekend I was luck enough to meet the Theta Phi Alpha sisters of the Gamma Chi chapter at Stevens Institute of Technology- for the second time. I had gone to their school two years prior and told them the exact same thing that the "truth-teller" had told me. Being a part of Theta Phi Alpha is simply amazing. 

I have been a little "home sick" and missed doing sisterhood activities so, I decided to travel across the river and venture into Hoboken just so I could have my Theta Phi fix. And yes, it did the trick! I got to participate in the itty bitty last bit of recruitment- preference night. This is one of my favorite events and sharing it with Gamma Chi felt completely natural. We were all in synch and complementing each others vocals that it gave me chills! It was as if I've been singing with them for years. When in reality, that was the first time!! Putting on my pin and walking into a house full of penguins was just a treat over the rainbow of amazement. I had truly missed it all. 

Thank you to all the lovely ladies who welcomed me. Especially, to the girls at the house who let me stay with them. And, to that one little penguin who helped coordinate everything with me. 

And a shout out for the reason I crossed the river, the Epsilon class! I hope you girls create magical memories in your collegiate years and have an amazing time with your pledge sisters through out this experience. 

Don't forget to always get your penguin on! 


For anyone in Hoboken, the chicken factory is a must and bahama mamas has a great happy hour special. :) 

I Am A Mary Kay Girl!

Ahhh!!! :-) 

Okay, this is round two & I am determined to do this right & hit the ball wayyyy out of the ball park. (Bases loaded and hitting Homers!) 

My name is Mariela and once again, I'm proud to say that I am a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant. This job is awesome! You travel, meet different women and, leave a lasting imprint in their lives. This is so much more than a pretty face- Mary Kay consultants touch hearts. 

I've known about this company almost all my life. My aunt, Dulce, has been a part of the Mary Kay business for over 20 years and is now a senior director of the Sweet Dreams team. So, imagine a 3 year old little girl playing with her aunts cosmetics and smearing lipstick all over her face, her tulle dress and, her tiny hands. Yes, that was me! Luckily, I've learned many makeup application techniques since then as well as plenty about skin care. So, no more coloring outside the lines for me! 

Now, I've been granted the opportunity to be a part of the Excellence team with Elizabeth as my director, who has been a part of the Mary Kay business for 30 years. She is amazing and always willing to help. Not to mention that the group of girls on the team are all very outgoing, welcoming and, quite dashing! I met a few of the girls at a brunch the Excellence team had in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the opening of Mary Kay Inc. (Where I got pinned as a new-again consultant!) 

Wow! For 50 years we have been enriching the lives of women every where! And, I am sure the next 50 years will be filled with the same love, determination and, even more innovation.

So here's to you, here's to me and, here's to women everywhere. Now lets make something BEAUTIFUL!