Sunday, July 26, 2015

California Girl

Overlooking the Hollywood hills on the Griffith Observatory - July 2015

There came a day where I did a random act; I contacted my ex on facebook. This is a guy I hadn't spoken to in years! And yet, we were on the phone for nearly two hours catching each other up on our perspective lives. Then I did something even more random; I booked a flight to California and went to see him.
Should I have done this? Probably not. Was it something I needed to do? Definitely, yes.

Unfortunately, I am all in support of the idea that to get over someone you need to get under someone else. You know what I mean! Lets say "fuck it" to the stereotypical notion that a woman who enjoys casual sex is a slut but, a man who enjoys casual sex is praised. No, no.

Anyways, after my current break-up from hell, I was still stuck in the rhythm of wanting someone to talk to, someone to snuggle up next to, someone whom I can just be quiet around and not have things get awkward. But all that added up to a boyfriend and I was not in the mid set for "boyfriend" but, at the same time I wasn't about to give the guy I called "fuck boy" more emotions than his title entailed. So, I went to the next closest thing, an ex-boyfriend. Someone who already knew me and knew my craziness. Best of all, he already knew how to hold me and I wouldn't have to play the "lets-get-to-know-each-other-so-fucking-isn't-weird" game. Yes, I went to California with one purpose; to get laid.

Overall my trip was great. On the first night there I went out to a club and got completely wasted that I do not remember how I got back to the apartment. But, to be completely honest, I have always been a light weight and I that night was my first drink in 5 months! My body had gotten rid of every trace of alcohol and when I reintroduced the liquid gold my body just couldn't handle it. That, or as I was told, I kept real close to the bar and buying continuous shots of Patron. I mean, I don't remember it but, I believe it; pictures and videos in my phone proved it! But that was just one night.

For the rest of the trip (which was too quick), I went hiking with my little brother (who is an LA resident!) and of course with my guide, "The Ex". There was also a museum involved, the Griffith Observatory, a few restaurants, an art gala, the beach, more beers, and a hot tub. And, I am proud of myself because somewhere in between all that fun I found time to exercise. There was a fitness center where I was staying at and I took full advantage. Having fun makes me happy but, feeling the burn and sweat after a workout has a longer positive effect on me. And you better believe my mouth touched the floor when I saw all the calories I consumed in alcohol during that trip. 

The flight from California to New York is crazy. Six hours on a plane made me feel like I should of been in a completely different country after getting off - but, I would definitely take that trip again. One, because my brother lives there. Two, because there is so much to do over there and I didn't have enough time to do it all. This trip was the quick escape from New York that I needed. I was around family and "new" friends. Although I was still very cautious about the way I looked, I surprised myself at how confident I felt and how easy it was to look at myself as pretty (just 2.5 months since the start of my weigh-loss journey!).

Please enjoy a snap-shot of my trip on being a California Girl. Pictured with me is my little bro. 

California - July 2015

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