Monday, March 3, 2014

International Badge Day 2014

To all my sorority girls, Show off your badge! Today is international badge day! 
That means that every Greek woman around the globe will be showing off her love and admiration to her house and her letters. 

It was such a delight to see all my Theta Phi Alpha's posting pictures of their badges on social media. How can I not press 'like' on every single post I saw? 

Here is my beauty. Shinning bright and pure over my heart. It was such a delight to wear this to work today- and trust me when the questions came rolling in (like I knew they would) I was ready! I love the surprised look I always get when someone finds out I'm part of a sorority. With that look of shock I know I changed someone's perspective on Greek life- I am a hard and pationate worker so, when they look at me and see that I am always willing to help it's a pleasure to have them know that Theta Phi Alpha taught me those values.   

Theta Phi Alpha, be to us a symbol of friendship, sisterhood and loyalty. 

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