Friday, August 21, 2015

Hey, I can do this!!

My first progress picture. Four months of hard work!

So this is my first post in regards to my weight-loss journey. I just came back from vacation- a little scared to get on the scale! Lol But screw it! I've lost 40lbs since I started this marvelous journey and if I gain any of them back I know I can loose them again.

I initially started this weight-loss journey because I really hit a point in my life where I would just cry for no reason. Looking from the outside in, I was fine. I was doing fantastic at work, had been given a raise, my projects were all excelling within budget and schedule. I was planning to go back to school & although that was a stress and a half my ducks were lining up nicely. At the time I was in a relationship and even that seemed fine. He supported me when I needed him and encouraged me to hit the gym. But when ever I went into my closet I felt discouraged, I would get dressed to go out and feel absolutely miserable. Working in an office and dealing with clients, I would always get dressed up: business dresses, heels, makeup and accessories. That quickly stopped. I told myself I wouldn't get all fancy because I had a long commute and didn't want to wake up any earlier just to put on foundation. But the truth was that I just gave up on myself. I felt super sad all the time and it showed! I stopped wearing makeup, didn't get dressed up for work, I had not been in a salon in months! And all this affected me but, also those around me. I felt bad about myself so I pushed those who cared away; family, friends, loved ones. I seriously did not like this person I became- she was ruining my life. 

But now it's been 3 months. And I feel great. I have lost 40lbs and it feels amazing. I look in the mirror and don't flinch away. Haha! I'm short, 5 feet. So you can notice absolutely everything! But you also notice the loss. And seeing my progress makes me want to go further and see what more I can accomplish. I don't feel sad as much as I used to. Going to the gym and working out, burning calories and sweating bullets it all fuels me with happiness and hope. I go running and at the end of it I'm puffy, sweaty and out of breath but wow, emotionally I am at 150%. It makes me feel like I can keep going through life.  

I think my weigh-loss has been healthy. There are some who have asked if I'm starving myself or over working at the gym. And hearing things like that makes me sad, the answer is no. I exercise regularly, I stuff myself with proteins, vegetables and fruits, I gave up alcohol (except for that minor moment at the resort  lol) and there is no more fast food nor junk food. I feel proud of myself. I know I have always been a girl who gets the job done right; work has never been a problem to me. And I'm looking at this journey as the ultimate project. And I know I can do this. I was upset at myself for close to a year. Now I am appreciating everything that I am. I am smart. I am kind. I am forgiving. I am beautiful.

Starting Date: May 11, 2015
Staring Weight: 198 lbs 

Current Date: August 21, 2015
Current Weight: 156.1 lbs

At the hotel. 
At the hotel.
La Isla Saona 2015
Resort in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic 2015