Friday, May 30, 2014

Let the Beet in!

All week I've been adding beets to my smoothie! 

I've had a real high on making my breakfast very liquid but hearty too! I've been going to the market and buying fresh fruits and vegetables. I'll even say I've had more spinach than I ever had in my life- I'll start looking like Popeyes soon! 

Each morning I wake up and slice and dice a few pieces of fruits and either add cucumbers, spinach or both! One time I decided to add a beet. They taste good in potato salad and are high in iron- which unfortunate for me my body does not have enough of. Well, if you've had my mothers potato salad you'd notice it's pink and that's because beets stain absolutely everything. 

After peeling and slicing it up my cutting board had pink stains, the knife was bleeding in pink and my hands looked like I dipped them in paint and never washed. So be warned! Use gloves, wash up everything right away and do not get it on your clothes! 

I threw it in the blender and had a very, very thick shake. I enjoy some pulp in my drinks but this was too much. So the second time I decided to add beets to my beverage I took out an old family helper- the juicer (which has been collecting dust, untouched for over a year). I juiced a bunch of beets, which were about four heads and it gave me 100% pure and pulp free beet juice. It made so much of the dark red liquid that I have been adding it to my smoothies all week long! 

So far I've tried two variations: 

Smoothie #1:
•Beet Juice
•Almond Milk
•Green Apple 
•Strawberry meal plan from Herbalife 
•Protein Powder 

Smoothie #2: (featured on the pic above!) 
•Beet Juice 
•Almond Milk
•Black Berries
•Seedless Green Grapes
•Vanilla meal plan from Herbalife 
•Protein Powder 
